I believe in transparency for businesses, as it's crucial to establish trust with clients and show
that I have their best interests at heart.
Yesterday, I brought the bus back to Norman! Although she's not yet perfect in my eyes, I
remind myself that my small business is growing steadily and naturally. Progress takes time,
and moving slow is positive.
Today, I enjoyed driving her around town. I have a passion for driving various vehicles, and
this bus holds a special place in my heart! I met other mobile vendors, mainly landscapers,
along the way – it feels great to have each other's support in this mobile community.
I visited a graphics company to prepare my vinyl graphics, which will take a couple of weeks
due to the high temperatures. This heat advisory is intense!
Back home, I ran the generator to clear out the old gas. Cleaning out the construction mess is oddly calming for me - the more I clean her, the more excited I get as she sparkles.
The anticipated opening date is August 21st, - I get my blackout curtains on Saturday to help control the interior temperature better. I will focus on finishing interior tasks, deep cleaning, and setting up my spa essentials before the grand opening.
Initially, I will only accept appointments by phone to manage the appointment flow and
adjust to the summer heat, possibly offering later evening sessions. Obstacles are inevitable for small businesses, but they strengthen and enhance the business in the long run.
Stay tuned for more updates as I transform this bus into an amazing spa room!